Explore our sponsorship, advertising, and exhibiting opportunities below

Health Policy Conference Title Sponsor
Primary Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference
One full-page advertisement in both programs (Conference and Commemorative)
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Soiree, held after the Induction Ceremony, includes (10) Induction Ceremony & Soiree guest tickets
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Living Legends Dinner & Ceremony, includes (10) Living Legends Dinner & Ceremony guest tickets
One Exhibitor Booth
Recognition of your sponsorship at the beginning of the conference to all attendees, on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Induction Ceremony
Primary Sponsorship of the Induction Ceremony
One full-page advertisement in the Commemorative Program
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Soiree, held after the Induction Ceremony, includes (10) Induction Ceremony & Soiree guest tickets
Premier reserved seating for (10) at center stage during the Induction Ceremony
Recognition of your sponsorship at the beginning of the ceremony, on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, all print documents, and during the Induction Ceremony

Living Legends Ceremony
Primary Sponsorship of the Living Legends Dinner & Ceremony
One full-page advertisement in the Commemorative Program
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Living Legends Dinner & Ceremony, includes (10) Living Legend Dinner & Ceremony guest tickets
Sponsor’s logo in the Living Legends printed program that will be distributed to all attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship at the beginning of the ceremony, on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, all print documents, and during the Living Legends Ceremony

Inductee Welcome Reception
Sponsorship of the Inductee Welcome Reception (only open to 2025 Inductees)
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Soiree, held after the Induction Ceremony, includes (10) Induction Ceremony & Soiree guest tickets
One half-page advertisement in the Commemorative Program
Branded cocktail napkins featuring the sponsor’s logo
(2) guest invitations to attend the inductee welcome reception and provide 2-3 minutes of remarks
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Conference WiFi
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference WiFi
One full-page advertisement in the Conference Program
One affiliate event or reception room reservation
Sponsor selects the password for the Marriott Marquis conference WiFi available to all attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Hotel Key Cards
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference Hotel Key Cards
One full-page advertisement in the Conference Program
One affiliate event or reception room reservation
Branded hotel key cards distributed to all attendees staying at the Marriott Marquis with sponsor’s logo
Recognition of your sponsorship on the hotel key cards, event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Keynote Speaker
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference Opening or Closing Keynote Presentation
Branded conference name badges distributed to all attendees with sponsor’s logo
One full-page advertisement in the Conference Program
One affiliate event or reception room reservation
Recognition of your sponsorship at the beginning of the session to all attendees, on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Name Badge
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference Badges
Branded conference name badges distributed to all attendees with sponsor’s logo
One full-page advertisement in the Conference Program
One affiliate event or reception room reservation
Recognition of your sponsorship on the name badges, event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

CANS Abstract Symposium Title Sponsor
Primary Sponsorship of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Abstract Symposium
(10) CANS Abstract Symposium registrations
Branded name badges distributed to all attendees with sponsor’s logo
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on the Academy’s 2025 CANS Abstract Symposium website and on-screen during the symposium
Recognition of your sponsorship at the beginning of the session, on the name badges, event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Conference App
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference App
One half-page advertisement in both programs (Conference and Commemorative)
One affiliate event or reception room reservation
Prominent display of the sponsor’s logo throughout the conference app available to all attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Conference Welcome Reception
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference Welcome Reception
One half-page advertisement in both programs (Conference and Commemorative)
One affiliate event or reception room reservation
Branded cocktail napkins featuring the sponsor’s logo
Recognition of your sponsorship during the welcome reception, on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

INL Workshop Title Sponsor
Primary Sponsorship of the Institute for Nursing Leadership Workshop
(10) INL Workshop & Breakfast registrations
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on the Academy’s 2025 INL Workshop website and on-screen during the workshop
Recognition at the beginning of the session to all attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Interactive Panel Presentations
Sponsorship of a Health Policy Conference Panel Presentation (multiple opportunities available)
One half-page advertisement in both programs (Conference and Commemorative)
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on-screen during the presentation
Recognition at the beginning of the session to all attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

LED Wall
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference LED Recognition Wall
One half-page advertisement in both programs (Conference and Commemorative)
Logo prominently displayed on the rotating LED wall throughout the conference
Recognition of your sponsorship on the LED wall, event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

New Fellow Breakfast
Sponsorship of the 2025 New Fellow Breakfast (only open to 2025 Inductees)
One half-page advertisement in both programs (Conference and Commemorative)
Branded cocktail napkins distributed with sponsor’s logo
Recognition at the beginning of the session to all new fellow attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

President's Circle Reception
Sponsorship of the President’s Circle Reception
One half-page advertisement in both programs (Conference and Commemorative)
Branded cocktail napkins distributed with sponsor’s logo
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, all print documents, and during the reception

CANS 25th Anniversary Celebration
Sponsorship of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science 25th Anniversary Reception & Toast
(5) CANS Abstract Symposium registrations
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on the celebration signage
Branded cocktail napkins distributed with the sponsor’s logo
Recognition at the beginning of the session to all attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

CANS Abstract Symposium Podium +
E-Poster Presentations
Sponsorship of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Abstract Symposium Podium & E-Posters
(5) CANS Abstract Symposium registrations
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on e-poster TV monitors
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

E-Poster Presentations
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference E-Poster Presentations
One half-page advertisement in the Conference Program
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed on e-poster TV monitors
Recognition of your sponsorship on the e-posters, event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Living Legends Ceremony
Partial Sponsorship of the Living Legend Dinner & Ceremony
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Living Legends Dinner & Ceremony, held after the Induction Ceremony, includes (10) Induction Ceremony & Soiree guest tickets
Logo in the Living Legends printed program that will be sent to the Living Legends recipients and distributed to all attendees
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, all print documents, and during the Living Legends ceremony

Welcome Healthy Break
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference Welcome Break
One half-page advertisement in the Conference program
Branded cocktail napkins distributed with the sponsor’s logo
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Healthy Break
Sponsorship of a Health Policy Conference Break (multiple opportunities available)
One quarter-page advertisement in the Conference Program
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed during sponsored break
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

INL Workshop Breakfast
Sponsorship of the Institute for Nursing Leadership Workshop Breakfast
(5) INL Workshop & Breakfast registrations
Logo prominently displayed on breakfast signage
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

INL Workshop Breakouts
Sponsorship of the Institute for Nursing Leadership Workshop Breakout Sessions
(5) INL Workshop & Breakfast registrations
Logo prominently displayed on breakout signage
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

New Fellow Recognition
Sponsorship of a 2025 New Fellow Inductee (multiple opportunities available)
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Soiree, held after the Induction Ceremony, with one bottle of sparkling wine and assorted miniature dessert tray (guest tickets not included)
One custom Tiffany & Co crystal vase engraved with inductee name, credentials, and date of induction (shipped to inductee)
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Conference Lounge
Sponsorship of the Health Policy Conference Lounge (3 opportunities available)
Sponsor’s logo prominently displayed in the conference lounge during specified date and time
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents

Affiliate Event
Reserve a Room for an Affiliate Reception or Event (multiple opportunities available)
Host an affiliate event or reception at the Marriott Marquis, Washington DC
Limited time slots are available for October 15 - 18, 2025
Room reservations must be completed through the American Academy of Nursing
Academy staff will place you in contact with the hotel to set up food & beverage for your event

Soiree Table
Sponsorship of a Premier Soiree Table (multiple opportunities available)
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Soiree, held after the Induction Ceremony, with one bottle of sparkling wine and assorted miniature dessert tray (guest tickets not included)

Living Legend Table
Sponsorship of a Premier Living Legends Dinner & Ceremony Table (multiple opportunities available)
One premier reserved table (seats 10) at the Living Legends Dinner & Ceremony, with two bottles of red and white wine (guest tickets not included)

General + Custom Conference Sponsorships
General + Custom Sponsorships of the Health Policy Conference (multiple opportunities available)
Contact Elena Dixon at edixon@aannet.org for more information
Recognition of your sponsorship on the event website, conference auditorium, in-person signage, and all print documents